By God’s will I came to a “God will Provide”, Bible school. At the Bible school God started showing me his glory, power, and most importantly that I was dear to him. Sense then everything inside of me changed, and I decided to serve God for the rest of my life. It was there that God baptized me with the Holy Spirit, and I received water baptism. After that God toke me high up in the mountains, to Peru, located in South America, where we were serving in our local church, at an orphanage home, to the people on the streets and other surrounding villages, through these ministries God was changing and teaching me many things. After seven months of being in Peru, God opened the door through the brothers for me to go to Sacramento, California. Where I started living and was serving at a rehab center.
After some time I was asked “Would I want to go to Russia?”, where there was a great need for help, and they needed someone to serve at the new rehab center, I came to an understanding that this was from God and said “Yes, I will go”. Looking back now I ‘am very glad that I said yes, because if it isn’t us, who will go, who will show those people love, care, and sow hope and faith into their lives. When I came, there was three of us ministers: Me, Dmitriy and his wife Nadya and we were able to see the amazing way God was bringing people, and with your help was providing, and is providing for everything needed at the rehab center. September 2016 the ministry in Tula, Russia began.
With 1 year of being opened there has been twelve people on the program. Out of the twelve, only three unwilling to change, went back to their old ways. Two of them graduated the program and have become leaders, to where they are now helping, and serving the new brothers that are coming in. God baptized one of the leaders with the Holy Spirit and he received water baptism. The rest are still on the program. The people the that are there came completely broken, we were finding them in basements, streets, bus and train stations. Many of them said “We would not have survived this winter, if you guys would not have token us in”.
It is amazing to see how God is healing and changing their lives. During my eight months in Russia there was a lot God was changing and showing me, for which I ‘am very grateful! I thank God and count it a huge privilege that I could take part in His work in Russia.