Project Description


Three years ago, my life was broken and I was addicted to drugs. I had no hope and was living each day not knowing how I would survive the next one. When my world came crashing down, I was led to the life change center where I finally found hope. God completely restored my broken life. He gave me freedom, a new life, and a desire to serve Him. He has blessed me with opportunities to serve in the men’s center and in the mission field. I had the privilege of spreading the gospel in Uruguay and Belize; and although both countries had different cultures, we all serve the one and only savior, Jesus Christ. I saw the Lord’s blessing in both countries as we spread the gospel and witnessed many lives being impacted by the love of Jesus.

One of my biggest testimonies is that even when I was the only missionary in the field and had little support, God provided more missionaries, a translator, and locals who joined to help. I witnessed members of the local youth ignite and preach the gospel. This is all because of Jesus! I thank God for leading me to the center, breaking the chains of addiction, and restoring my life completely!

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I grew up in an average middle class family.  I was never in need.  I was surrounded by a loving Christian family and friends and good people around me.  It was not until after high school that I began my path into addiction.

I began to lose interest in spending time with my family and friends who loved me and cared for me.  I was looking for the cool crowd and the cool thing to do.  I was spending all of my time and effort to conform to this world and its ways.  This began with drinking and smoking, and soon after that I found my way to painkillers.  Like most people who fall into addiction, I had a legitimate enough reason to do so, I had back pain.  Although I was using painkillers for pain, I soon began to abuse them.  It became a habit, and a habit I was unable to shake.  It came to a point where I hated spending time with my family and those who loved me.

After I lost everything; Relationship with my family, my job, my car, I still had a habit.  I then turned to a life of crime.  I was living the lifestyle and was blind to see all that what I have given up just so I can live this lifestyle comfortably.  But comfort never came, a few years went by and my arrest record grew, and I ended up in jail for three years.  Three years of jail time was unable to help me.  After my release, I still continued living my old lifestyle and using drugs.  There was nothing able to stop me.  I had lost all hope, there was nothing I was able to do that would get me out of this lifestyle and state of mind.  This continued for another year after jail.  One day I did more than usual and lost my mind.  I was in a drug induced psychosis.  I had lost all control of logical thinking or any reasoning.  My mind was racing and I was only able to act on impulse.

Only through faith and prayer was I able to calm down from this state of psychosis.  When I came to God Will Provide Life Change Center, this is where i discovered the true power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I discovered the power of prayer when i prayed for the restoration of my mind, I was restored by the power of Christ.  Only by God’s power, mercy and grace I was able to have peace in my heart and have my mind completely restored.

Through reading the Bible and through prayer I had discovered that addiction was only the surface of my problems.  I realized that if i didn’t change the flaws in my character, that led me into this state of addiction, then I would return back into it.  All glory to God for His mercy and His grace, and for showing me the way to salvation and a full and purposeful life serving God.  That He has changed my life for the better and that there is hope, hope in God.

In 2014 God open up the doors to the country of Belize Central America. The First Missionary trip consisted of three people Bishop Peter, Pastor Serge and I. After this trip preparation took place for about half a year to collect finances purchase two vehicles and gather a team that could go and serve in the country of Belize. There was eight people that drove from Sacramento to Belize City and four of them stayed back to start a rehab center. Since then we have a fully functional rehab center that could hold 5-8 students at a time. Many other ministries were established like radio, hospital, school and prison ministries.

Many Souls were touched through these ministries and then led to Christ. In the last three years we had many missionary trips where more than 50 missionaries attended. Since Belize is the only English speaking country in Central America, language barrier will not be an issue. You can be one of the missionaries that could serve the country of Belize. For more information about this project or upcoming missionary trips, you can contact Paul Mantsevich.

In all the years of ministry that God has given me the hardest thing I had to do was overcome myself. I was filled with fear and doubt when God called us to start the construction on the islands in Guna Yala, Panama. My thoughts were focused on the lack of our resources; no experience in construction, no availability of construction material and tools, no finances, and no land to build on. (The building had to be built on water.) I understood that for me this was an impossible task but I knew that God was calling me to make this step of faith. At that moment I realized that the things that are impossible for man God uses to glorify himself!

That was the turning point in my battle to move forward. The journey to the finish line was full of spiritual and physical hardships but God was faithful through it all. A year after the construction of the Discipleship Center began, on September 22, 2017 we celebrated the Grand Opening! At this moment there are 8 missionaries serving the local islanders. We see how God is raising up the future generation of disciples. The local church is being filled with new believers and the spirit of God is changing lives!

Amen! Hallelujah!

In February 2016 I reentered the Chicago GWP for restoration. After my final attempt of doing things my way, I realized that my plans needed to go out the window. I vowed that until God opens another door I will continue serving in Chicago no matter what. The trials I experienced in Chicago as a Student + leader served as a final state of purification and preparation before my next step. Quitting was always an option because I lived 20 minutes away and had everything I needed to start my life. But God physically held me there and I felt it. The only reason I was able to survive is consistent prayer. Jesus escaped into the night to pray in order to get consolation and guidance from his Father. I followed His example, when everyone was sleeping I would walk around the property, weeping and many times screaming in distress, looking for direction.

The trials I experienced in Chicago were necessary for my missionary adventures in Belize. I know that God used all those dysfunctional situations to mold my character. What the enemy meant to use for evil God will turn it around, and use it for good. After a long season of trials, tribulations, discomfort, uncertainty God brought me into the season of blessings. This is only possible because I chose not to quit and cower back to doing things my way.

Being born and raised in a devout Christian family didn’t prevent me from falling into the trap the devil had set out for my life. At a young age of 16 I began to indulge in the attractions this world had to offer, a year later I discovered myself to be in a state of deep addiction and what seemed at the time to be eternal helplessness. A few years after my fall, the Lord called me to the Life Change Center in Sacramento. My stay here was intended to last a mere 30 days, but God had great mercy prepared.

Through the lives and testimonies of the sisters in the center, God revealed to me that there is Hope. God wanted to heal me, God wanted to show me His great Love, all I had to do was open my heart and surrender. Now the surrender didn’t come easy, but by the strength given to me by the Lord I did not relent. When surrender came, there came great victory…there came great blessings. Every day I am in wonder of Gods miraculous work, every day I thank Him that He rescued me from the depths of darkness. I am now eager to fulfill whatever plan God has envisioned for my life, I rejoice in the fact that Jesus is in my heart!

I am testimony that we serve a living God.

By God’s will I came to a “God will Provide”, Bible school. At the Bible school God started showing me his glory, power, and most importantly that I was dear to him. Sense then everything inside of me changed, and I decided to serve God for the rest of my life. It was there that God baptized me with the Holy Spirit, and I received water baptism. After that God toke me high up in the mountains, to Peru, located in South America, where we were serving in our local church, at an orphanage home, to the people on the streets and other surrounding villages, through these ministries God was changing and teaching me many things. After seven months of being in Peru, God opened the door through the brothers for me to go to Sacramento, California. Where I started living and was serving at a rehab center.

After some time I was asked “Would I want to go to Russia?”, where there was a great need for help, and they needed someone to serve at the new rehab center, I came to an understanding that this was from God and said “Yes, I will go”. Looking back now I ‘am very glad that I said yes, because if it isn’t us, who will go, who will show those people love, care, and sow hope and faith into their lives. When I came, there was three of us ministers: Me, Dmitriy and his wife Nadya and we were able to see the amazing way God was bringing people, and with your help was providing, and is providing for everything needed at the rehab center. September 2016 the ministry in Tula, Russia began.

With 1 year of being opened there has been twelve people on the program. Out of the twelve, only three unwilling to change, went back to their old ways. Two of them graduated the program and have become leaders, to where they are now helping, and serving the new brothers that are coming in. God baptized one of the leaders with the Holy Spirit and he received water baptism. The rest are still on the program. The people the that are there came completely broken, we were finding them in basements, streets, bus and train stations. Many of them said “We would not have survived this winter, if you guys would not have token us in”.

It is amazing to see how God is healing and changing their lives. During my eight months in Russia there was a lot God was changing and showing me, for which I ‘am very grateful! I thank God and count it a huge privilege that I could take part in His work in Russia.